published in The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY), January 2, 2002,
p. A7.
“No Child Left Untested” E. Wayne Ross and Sandra
Mathison In a bipartisan effort, Congress has given final approval to the most sweeping federal reforms of education since Lyndon Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1965. The bill, largely written by the White House, dramatically revamps the federal role in education. Both Democrats and Republicans
have hailed the bill, which is largely modeled after Texas standards for
testing student achievement. President Bush claims "these
historic reforms will improve our public schools by creating an environment
in which every child can learn through real accountability, unprecedented
flexibility for states and school districts, greater local control, more
options for parents and more funding for what works.” These reforms, however,
are a massive intrusion of the federal government on local
schools and states’ control of education. The “No Child Left Behind Act”
mandates statewide testing in reading and mathematics each year in grades
3-8 and specifies state intervention in any school
where children’s tests scores are not annually increasing. While
this bill does provide increased flexibility in the way states spend federal
education dollars, most of the money is tied to mandated testing and in
practice will undermine local control of education by linking federal funding
with improvements in test scores. This
bill might be labeled “No Child Left Untested.” The continued bipartisan
promotion of testing as the solution to problems in education is no more
justifiable now than it has been in the past. Rewarding and punishing by
test results was discredited in the late 1800s.Current
uses of high-stakes state mandated tests, in all but Iowa, violate professional
standards for test development and use. For
example, high stakes testing programs (those with serious consequences
for students, teachers, schools, districts) use a fallible single standard
and measure of student achievement, a practice specifically condemned by
the professional code of test developers, test publishers, and educational
researchers.Also, states have been
and now will be more compelled to prepare and use tests without adequate
time and attention to proper and justifiable test development.More
bad practices will be heaped on already wide spread bad practices in evaluating
student achievement and schools. The
research over the past two decades indicates test based educational reforms
do not lead to better educational policies and practices.Indeed,
such testing often leads to educationally unjust consequences and unsound
practices.These include increased
drop out rates, teacher and administrator de-professionalization, loss
of curricular integrity, increased cultural insensitivity, and disproportionate
allocation of educational resources into testing programs, and not into
hiring qualified teachers and providing enriching sound educational programs. The
winners, with the passage of this bill, are advocates of standardized teaching
and learning, and the few large corporations that sell tests and test based
curricula.Not children. While
the challenges of contemporary schooling are serious, the simplistic application
of tests to make decisions about children, teachers, and schools impede
student learning.Comparisons of
schools and students based on test scores promotes teaching to the test
and undoubtedly cause some teachers and principals to cheat, understandably,
in order to make their schools look good on the tests.Punitively
oriented testing programs do not improve the quality of schools; diminish
disparities in academic achievement along gender, race or class lines;
or move the country forward in moral, social or economic terms.We
are staunch supporters of accountability, but not test driven accountability
that draws teachers and children into a corruption of education. The
most serious problem with testing based educational reform is its singularity
of voice, its insistence that education be evaluated and improved in a
single way.The practice of high
stakes testing in America is an effort to treat teaching and learning in
a simple and fair manner, but in a world where education is hugely complex
with inequitable distribution of opportunity. Increased
standardization of education begs challenges from multiple viewpoints as
to the costs and benefits for the children in our schools.Education
does require decisions as to how children, teachers, and schools will be
sustained and improved, but test based reforms, especially those mandated
at a great distance from local schools and that promote the special interests
of big government and corporations, will not do the job. Author
Note:E. Wayne Ross and Sandra Mathison
are professors of education at the University of Louisville. |