By Michel Cazary
As I walk through the rusty old door on my way into
the station, I am greeted by my fellow comrades, fashionably dressed in
black and looking rather dissatisfied with the world. I hear yelling from
the tiny office over on my right, debating the validity of a spin-off project
of a band that only five people have ever heard of. I hear a meager DJ's
voice making a station ID over the air sounding like he is about twelve,
but really he's nineteen.
This is KSDT, and for most of my college experience,
this was my second home. For anyone who has ever worked in college radio,
they know that there is nothing like it in the world. It is a breeding
ground for all of the angst-ridden college students who need to find an
outlet somewhere on campus to vent about the world, find out about new
music and meet quality people. I have spent my entire college career at KSDT (the
student run radio station at the University of California, San Diego) in
one form or another, I started off as that scared, twelve-year-old sounding
DJ and eventually worked my way up to programming director, operations
manager and finally general manager. Once I had begun to take on managerial
positions at the station, I began to see the many battles both within and
outside of our school that we had to face. Our biggest problem as a station was broadcasting
and how to do it. When our station was formed in the seventies when certain
FM dials were being given out for public station, the management at the
time thought that the wave of the future was cable radio and that we did
not need to bother with FM at all. Big mistake number one. So where does
that leave us today? We have the weakest AM signal which cannot even be
picked up more than twenty feet away from the station, we broadcast on
cable radio which no one has, we have a television channel, yes a television
channel on the close circuit campus cable that allows us to broadcast our
signal over an image, that image has become a surveillance camera on the
DJ. We are tampering with internet broadcasting, but we are constantly
limited by bandwidth, sketchy providers and a pretty crappy server. So
basically we broadcast in so many ways, none of which are very effective,
often having a negative effect on station morale and recruitment. So the question remains: why don't we have a transmitter.
Here's the deal, San Diego is situated right next to Mexico which means
two things, one, we have trouble getting anything on the FM dial meant
for public radio because Mexico has it and two, local stations put their
transmitter in Tijuana and boost their signal far above FCC regulations
killing stations around it. This has put us in a very tough bind, along
with just about every other college radio station in the area. Just to give you a sense of the array of radio currently available in San Diego, here is a bit of history. In 1996 the overturning of the Telecommunications Act took away the limit on the amount of stations one company could own, as a result, J.Core bought out a bunch of stations in the area and basically streamlined them to offer the usual easy listening As you can imagine, being in a community with such
poor radio choices while working at a college radio station with no voice
is extremely frustrating. Hence our excitement about the LPFM decision.
This was our first big shot at really going somewhere (even if our proposed
transmitter location would broadcast halfway into the ocean, it was something).
We promptly turned in our application, we felt like we had a lot going
for us; an educational purpose, an already functioning station, and even
a designated location to put our transmitter. Thus our dismay at realizing
that we are not eligible for the signal because of our location in the
middle of an urban area. All of this based on sketchy research saying that
we would interfere with some corporate radio station's precious signal.
So what is a poor college radio station to do? Unfortunately
I graduated school last year and am no longer in charge of the running
the place, but I still worry about where things are going. Our station
is a strange place, it is completely student run, but no one really gets
paid anything worth mentioning. It is a truly amazing place in that it
exists almost entirely as a coup and we have managed, pre internet broadcasting
and without a number on the dial to reach up to seventy quality shows.
The greatest thing would be for us to have a means for broadcasting, all
DJ’s past and present have worked so hard for the station, they deserve
to be heard. Needless to say, I am angry. Working as general manager
has shown me the seedy underbelly of broadcasting and its many corporate
sponsors and has shown me that there are many forces working to silence
commercial-free, alternative radio. Our station offers opportunities for
students to not only have their own radio program, but to gain valuable
knowledge about music, recording and management. Due to a lack of understanding
about our transmitter issues, the governing body of the school fails to
understand why we do not broadcast to more people and why we do not get
underwriters to become more self sufficient. I have seen our budget cut
by the school every year, I have heard countless rumors about us being
shut down, losing funding and being turned into a fast food restaurant. It does not help that San Diego is one of the most apathetic communities (if you can call it that) on the face of the earth. A big enough city, that people assume that there is a lot of music, art and dance happening that they don't worry about creating it and not enough violence and hate (that is blatant) to make people revolt against it. Such an equation makes for a place where radio stations like ours are looked over and under valued. If it was not for the strength of our many DJ’s who relentlessly show up to broadcast over a television on campus, I do not know what we would do. The fight is not over and never will be, but each year it gets harder and in the face of increasing animosity towards free radio and the commercialization of all that was once independent.